Delphi Loading RTF File Gives Me a I/O Error 13? Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered!
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Delphi Loading RTF File Gives Me a I/O Error 13? Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered!

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating I/O Error 13 when trying to load an RTF file in Delphi? You’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, but fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of RTF file loading and uncover the secrets to getting your Delphi application up and running smoothly.

What is I/O Error 13?

I/O Error 13 is a permission-based error that occurs when your Delphi application attempts to access a file that it doesn’t have the necessary rights to read or write. It’s like trying to enter a restricted area without the proper clearance – the operating system simply won’t let you in!

Causes of I/O Error 13

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a quick look at some common causes of I/O Error 13:

  • Insufficient file system permissions: This is the most common cause of I/O Error 13. Make sure your application has the necessary rights to read and write files in the designated directory.
  • File corruption: A corrupted file can prevent your application from loading it, resulting in I/O Error 13. Try opening the file in a different application or checking its integrity.
  • File in use: If another application or process is currently using the file, your Delphi application won’t be able to access it, leading to I/O Error 13.
  • RTF file format issues: RTF files can be finicky, and even the slightest formatting error can cause I/O Error 13. Ensure that your RTF file is properly formatted and doesn’t contain any syntax errors.

Solutions to I/O Error 13

Now that we’ve covered the causes of I/O Error 13, let’s get to the good stuff – solving the problem! Here are some solutions to help you load your RTF file successfully:

Solution 1: Run Your Application as Administrator

One of the simplest solutions is to run your Delphi application as an administrator. This grants your application elevated privileges, allowing it to access files without permission issues:

program Project1;


  // Run as administrator
  MessageBox(0, 'Run as administrator', 'Info', MB_ICONINFORMATION);

Solution 2: Set File System Permissions

Another approach is to set the necessary file system permissions for your application. You can do this programmatically using the following code:

  Windows, SysUtils;

  FILE_READ_DATA = $0001;
  FILE_WRITE_DATA = $0002;
  DELETE = $00010000;
  READ_CONTROL = $00020000;
  WRITE_DAC = $00040000;
  WRITE_OWNER = $00080000;
  SYNCHRONIZE = $00100000;

procedure SetFilePermissions(const FileName: string);
  hFile: Handle;
  sd: TSecurityDescriptor;
  sa: TShareMode;
  dacl: PACL;
  si: TSecurityInfo;
  // Create a new security descriptor
  InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
  SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@sd, True, nil, False);

  // Create a new ACL
  GetACLEntries(@sd, dacl);

  // Add permission for the current user
  AddAccessAllowedAce(dacl, ACL_REVISION, FILE_READ_DATA or FILE_WRITE_DATA, GetCurrentUserToken);

  // Set the security descriptor
  SetNamedSecurityInfo(PChar(FileName), SE_FILE_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, nil, nil, dacl, nil);

  // Clean up

  // Set file system permissions

Solution 3: Use a Temporary File

Sometimes, it’s not possible to set file system permissions or run your application as an administrator. In such cases, you can use a temporary file to load your RTF file:

  SysUtils, IOUtils;

procedure LoadRTFFromTempFile(const FileName: string);
  tempFile: string;
  stream: TFileStream;
  // Create a temporary file
  tempFile := TPath.GetTempFileName;

  // Copy the contents of the original file to the temporary file
  TFile.Copy(FileName, tempFile, True);

  // Load the RTF file from the temporary file
  stream := TFileStream.Create(tempFile, fmOpenRead);
    // Your RTF loading code here


Solution 4: Check RTF File Format

RTF files can be finicky, so it’s essential to ensure that your file is properly formatted. Here are some common RTF file format issues to watch out for:

Error Description
Invalid RTF header The RTF header should start with the characters ‘{\rtf’ (without the quotes).
Missing or incorrect RTF footer The RTF footer should contain the characters ‘}’ (without the quotes) followed by a newline character.
Invalid font or character encoding Ensure that the font and character encoding are correctly specified in the RTF file.
Invalid or missing control words Control words, such as ‘\b’ or ‘\i’, should be correctly formatted and used in the RTF file.

By checking your RTF file for these common issues, you can ensure that it’s properly formatted and loading correctly in your Delphi application.


I/O Error 13 can be a frustrating obstacle, but with these solutions, you should be able to load your RTF file successfully in Delphi. Remember to:

  1. Run your application as an administrator to grant elevated privileges.
  2. Set the necessary file system permissions for your application.
  3. Use a temporary file to load your RTF file if necessary.
  4. Check your RTF file format for common issues and errors.

By following these steps and explanations, you’ll be well on your way to resolving I/O Error 13 and loading your RTF file with ease. Happy coding!

Additional Resources

For more information on working with RTF files in Delphi, check out the following resources:

  • Delphi’s official documentation on working with RTF files.
  • The RTF file format specification.
  • Stack Overflow’s Q&A section on Delphi and RTF files.

We hope you found this article helpful in resolving I/O Error 13 when loading RTF files in Delphi. If you have any further questions or issues, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of getting I/O error 13 when loading RTF files in Delphi? We’ve got you covered!

What causes I/O error 13 when loading RTF files in Delphi?

The infamous I/O error 13! It’s usually caused by a permissions issue, where the RTF file is being accessed by another process or user, preventing Delphi from loading it. But don’t worry, we’ve got some fixes for you!

How do I check if the RTF file is being used by another process?

Easy peasy! You can use the Task Manager to check if any other process is using the RTF file. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys, go to the Processes tab, and search for any processes using the file. If you find one, close it and try loading the RTF file again. Voilà!

What if the RTF file is not being used by another process?

If the file is not being used by another process, it’s possible that the file is corrupted or the RTF format is not supported by Delphi. Try opening the file in a different program, like WordPad or Microsoft Word, to see if it loads correctly. If not, you might need to convert the file to a different format or repair it.

Can I use a third-party component to load the RTF file?

You bet! There are several third-party components available that can help you load RTF files in Delphi, like the TRichEdit component or commercial libraries like TXTextControl. These components often provide more features and better support for RTF files than the built-in Delphi components.

What if none of the above solutions work?

Don’t give up hope! If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that the issue is specific to your Delphi project or environment. Try checking the Delphi community forums, Stack Overflow, or other online resources for similar issues or solutions. You can also try reinstalling Delphi or updating to the latest version.