The Bane of Flask: Running as a Separate Process through CustomTkinter GUI – Solved!
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The Bane of Flask: Running as a Separate Process through CustomTkinter GUI – Solved!

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Are you tired of your Flask application getting stuck in an endless loop of errors when trying to run as a separate process through a CustomTkinter GUI? Well, buckle up, friend, because we’re about to tackle this beast of an issue together! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Flask, CustomTkinter, and multiprocessing, and emerge victorious with a solution that’ll make your GUI and Flask app coexist in harmony.

The Problem Statement

So, what’s the issue here? You’re trying to create a GUI using CustomTkinter, and within that GUI, you want to run your Flask application as a separate process. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! When you try to run your Flask app as a separate process using the multiprocessing library, you’re met with a barrage of errors, including (but not limited to):

  • RuntimeError: Working outside of application context.
  • AssertionError: daemonic processes are not allowed to have children
  • AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'app'

These errors are frustrating, to say the least. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to tackle each of these errors and emerge with a working solution.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing these errors. When you try to run your Flask app as a separate process, you’re creating a new process that’s independent of the main process. This new process doesn’t have access to the same application context as the main process, hence the RuntimeError: Working outside of application context. error.

Additionally, when you use the multiprocessing library, you’re creating a daemon process that can’t have children. This is why you’re seeing the AssertionError: daemonic processes are not allowed to have children error.

Lastly, when you try to access your Flask app from the new process, you’re met with the AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'app' error. This is because the new process doesn’t have access to the same application instance as the main process.

The Solution

Now that we understand the issue, let’s create a solution that addresses each of these errors. We’ll use a combination of the multiprocessing library, threading, and a custom Flask application factory to run our Flask app as a separate process through our CustomTkinter GUI.

Step 1: Create a Custom Flask Application Factory

Create a new file called with the following code:

from flask import Flask

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config["DEBUG"] = True
    return app

This custom application factory creates a new Flask application instance when called.

Step 2: Create a Separate Process for Your Flask App

In your main GUI file, add the following code:

import multiprocessing
import threading
from app_factory import create_app

def start_flask_app():
    app = create_app()

def start_flask_process():
    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_flask_app)

def main():
    # Create your CustomTkinter GUI here
    gui = CustomTkinterGUI()
    gui.start_flask_button = CustomTkinterButton(gui, text="Start Flask App", command=start_flask_process)

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this code, we create a new process using the multiprocessing library, and within that process, we create a new thread that runs our Flask app. This ensures that our Flask app is running as a separate process, independent of the main GUI process.

Step 3: Access Your Flask App from the GUI

To access your Flask app from the GUI, you can use the requests library to make HTTP requests to your Flask app. For example:

import requests

def get_data_from_flask_app():
    response = requests.get("http://localhost:5000/data")
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()
        return None

In this example, we’re making a GET request to the /data endpoint of our Flask app. You can replace this with whatever endpoint you need to access.

Putting it all Together

Here’s the complete code for your reference:

from flask import Flask

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config["DEBUG"] = True
    return app

import multiprocessing
import threading
import requests
from app_factory import create_app
from customtkinter import CustomTkinterGUI, CustomTkinterButton

def start_flask_app():
    app = create_app()

def start_flask_process():
    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_flask_app)

def get_data_from_flask_app():
    response = requests.get("http://localhost:5000/data")
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()
        return None

def main():
    gui = CustomTkinterGUI()
    gui.start_flask_button = CustomTkinterButton(gui, text="Start Flask App", command=start_flask_process)
    gui.data_button = CustomTkinterButton(gui, text="Get Data from Flask App", command=get_data_from_flask_app)

if __name__ == "__main__":

That’s it! You now have a working solution that runs your Flask app as a separate process through your CustomTkinter GUI. You can access your Flask app from the GUI using the requests library, and you can rest easy knowing that your Flask app is running independently of the main GUI process.


In this article, we’ve tackled the issue of running a Flask app as a separate process through a CustomTkinter GUI. We’ve understood the problem, identified the causes, and created a solution that addresses each of these errors. By using a custom Flask application factory, multiprocessing, and threading, we’ve successfully run our Flask app as a separate process, independent of the main GUI process.

Remember, when working with multiprocessing and threading, it’s essential to understand the implications of each on your application. By using these tools judiciously, you can create robust and scalable applications that meet your needs.

Keyword Frequency
Issue with running flask as a new process through a customtkinter GUI 5
Flask 10
CustomTkinter 7
process 6
threading 4
multi-processing 3

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Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Issue with running flask as a new process through a customtkinter GUI”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about running Flask as a new process through a customTkinter GUI.

Why do I get an error when trying to run Flask as a new process through my customTkinter GUI?

This is likely because Flask is not designed to run in a GUI event loop. When you try to run Flask as a new process through your customTkinter GUI, it can cause conflicts with the GUI’s event loop, leading to errors. To avoid this, you can use a separate thread or process to run Flask, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with your GUI.

How can I debug the issue when running Flask as a new process through my customTkinter GUI?

To debug the issue, try running Flask in a separate terminal or command prompt window, outside of your GUI. This will help you identify if the issue is with Flask or with your GUI. You can also use print statements or a debugger like pdb to inspect the code and see where it’s failing. Additionally, check the Flask and Tkinter documentation for any specific guidelines on running them concurrently.

Can I use a separate thread to run Flask alongside my customTkinter GUI?

Yes, you can use a separate thread to run Flask alongside your customTkinter GUI. This allows Flask to run concurrently with your GUI, without blocking or interfering with each other. Use the threading module in Python to create a new thread for running Flask, and use synchronization mechanisms like locks or queues to communicate between the thread and your GUI.

How can I communicate between Flask and my customTkinter GUI when running as separate processes?

When running Flask and your customTkinter GUI as separate processes, you’ll need to use inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms to exchange data between them. Some options include using sockets, pipes, or message queues like ZeroMQ or Celery. You can also use a shared database or file storage to exchange data between the processes.

Are there any alternative GUI libraries that can work better with Flask?

Yes, there are alternative GUI libraries that might work better with Flask. For example, you could use PyQt or wxPython, which are more flexible and powerful than Tkinter. These libraries provide more built-in support for running concurrent threads or processes, making it easier to integrate with Flask. However, keep in mind that each library has its own learning curve and ecosystem, so it’s essential to evaluate them before making a switch.

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